Joe Johnston may appreciate this, as it's based on conversations we have had in the past...
I was out at lunch earlier this week, and I was having chicken and rice from one of the local street vendors, which is quite tasty. Along with the chicken/rice, there's a bit of salad in the mix, and sometimes even a few french fries. It's NYC street food, you never quite know what you'll get...
Anyway, they always give me the option of having white sauce or hot sauce on the lunch. As the white sauce is a horrendous taste (although many people love it, as it seems like the default sauce to get), I always go for the hot sauce.
I have told many people that I find salad dressing to be a silly invention. If you like salad, just eat the salad, or if you like the dressing, just have the dressing.
While I was eating my lunch, and enjoying the salad that had some of the hot sauce on it, I thought to myself, why isn't there more hot sauce on salad? And then, I had my minor epiphany that the hot sauce *was* a kind of salad dressing, and that if there was more of it, I'd be happy to have it on salad in general...
So, I guess I'm not as against salad dressing as I thought. Please, go on with your regular activities while this revelation of mine resounds throughout the land...