25 February 2006

New Song!

I've got a new song up on my website, it's called "Answers Without Questions." Joe J. thinks I've listened to too much Yes and Moody Blues. You be the judge.

The song is based around a bass riff I've had since about 1994. About 2 weeks ago, I finally decided I needed to do something with it (I'm a fast worker). I wrote a chorus bass part, and then started working on the arrangement for other instruments. I decided on a Police-esque guitar for the verses, and a screaming rough tone for the choruses. The middle eight is just me rambling on a keyboard solo. Fun stuff. Oh, there's also a rhythmic keyboard part throughout the verses, that gives it a bouncy feel along with the guitar part.

There's some timing issues in the song, but hey, it's only a demo. I'm not looking for perfection here.

Now, because I've got this done, I'm going to start converting the old tapes of the Mike/JP/Joe project from back in 1994. It'll be the last old audio archiving I have to do for any time in the forseeable future, save should some other tapes come into my hands.

I've promised some photos the past few times I've posted, so here you go. On Thursday morning, some of us from ORL went on a tour of the new residence halls being built here at Dartmouth. Here's a photo of one of the rooms:

That's Meg in the cool hard hat and goggles, by the closets in one of the rooms.

Here's an unfinished ceiling from one of the lounges.

And now, for something completely different, a sign of great importance...

I hope they had fun up there...

And now, back to construction...

Here's a photo of Angela, one of the other CD's, with big construction stuff in the background...

So, I hope that satisfies your hunger for photos, but I know it won't. You're a beast, blog readers, who are never satiated with just a photo or two. You always want more! MORE!

Talked with Joe J. today on the phone, and our conversation went to me as an old man, once I get my band together, yelling at musicians because they're not playing my music right. "That's a dimished 7th, you twit, not an augmented 3rd!" Pesants!

Well, it was funny on the phone...

NP: Frank Zappa; King Kong

Group Process!

So, we finished our UGA group process for this term, with another session waiting for us in the Spring Term. Myself and a number of the other CD's went out tonight afterwards to enjoy each other's company. Fun was had by all.

I have a fairly good sense of humor, and it's nice to exercise it with other who share the same mentality.

No photos tonight, I'll load up some tomorrow for your consumption.

NP: King Crimson, Elephant Talk - November 1995

23 February 2006


Busy day, lots of work, and then a busy evening, with lots of work. Photos tomorrow!

NP: The Colbert Report

21 February 2006

Has it really....

....been since the 17th that I've posted? Seems true, but I didn't think I was actually away from here for that long.

This is a busy week at work, with lots of UGA one on ones, and helping out with our student staff selection process on Thursday and Friday nights this week.

I spent a good portion of Saturday night finishing the music recording of my new song. I put some midi-percussion on it, keyboards, and a "la-la" vocal track, getting a sense of a rhythm/melody that will make sense over the music. Now I just need to write some words, and record some vocals. Once I do that, I'll put the rough demo up on my website. Opinions always welcome, even if you think they're no fun.

Two phone interviews today for two different jobs. One interview was your basic phone interview, while the second was was great, because the interviewer really pushed my answers out of me, asking good follow up questions, looking for tangible thoughts (contradictory?), not just the basic "I'm a good worker, because I say I am" that so many interviews can fall into. Who knows where it will lead, which is why I'm not putting the names of the places I interviewed with up here at this time!

Mmm, nothing beats a good Cherry Coke!

Joe and I did a great radio show this weekend, on Saturday night, starting around 10pm. Check it out over on Pseudocertainty! I think the nighttime is the best time to record these things, as we're both a little bit punchy.

NP: Yes, Siberia