20 February 2007

Rental Car!

I just reserved a rental car for the Brad Factor wedding down in Florida we're heading to next week. I splurged, and got a convertable. I mean, it's Florida, so you've got to be able to take the top down, right? It's a little more money, but it's worth it.

Spontaneous, eh?

I enjoyed both Lou's and Flo's comments on my blog from yesterday. I didn't want to make it sound like I was railing against the world or anything, but it just hit me that I wasn't sure if *I* wanted to read my blog, let alone have anyone else read a pretty dull (on its face) entry.

Routine is good, it's just that there are times when I want to break away from the routine. Granted, work keeps the schedule pretty fixed, but there's ways to work around other time-killers, like television.

You know, I think that's how people in the old days got so much done. There wasn't TV to sit and stare at. It was a way to get people out of the house, and active. Granted, most people back in the past had to do a lot more work themselves just to survive, so the comparison's not necessarily a fair one, but there is some legitimacy to it.

Don't get me wrong, I enjoy my TV. But there are times that I think that I watch way too much. And I watch less than average, I would think.

The main thing, I think, is to enjoy the life you have, do what you can to improve it, enjoy yourself, and help others.

In total other news, I wasn't able to get tickets for The Police this morning. I tried as soon as they went on sale, but wasn't able to get 2 tickets. I think the shows were totally sold out in less than 15 minutes. If another goes on sale, I may try again. If not, then life goes on...

NP: Frank Zappa - Drowning Witch


Anonymous said...

Yeah, the police aren't coming here to Baltimore because the Ravens have a pre-season game scheduled for that day, so obviously they're using the stadium. Stupid Ravens.

And say hey and congratulations to Brad for me. I saw him briefly at In's wedding.

zorknapp said...

Were you and Brad close at all in High School? I wasn't sure, as I really became friends with you guys all in my senior year, so didn't really know all the dynamics between everyone.

And it's too bad that the Police aren't playing around you. Damn those football games!