20 March 2007

High School dream...

The other night, I had an odd high school dream. Of course, upon waking, dreams always fall apart, but what I could remember from this one was:

  • It was graduation, but only about 30 people were in a small classroom for the ceremony. I was there, sitting next to one of my friends, Beth Lefsky. Her father (Mr. Lefsky) who was the head of the social studies department, was organizing the ceremony.
  • There were three people sitting near us, who were there to pick up a diploma for a friend of theirs, who was actually a student staff member who I worked with at Dartmouth, but they got his name wrong. His name was Mike, but they called him Mark. They also got his last name wrong, but the way it was wrong, it was the same name of someone in my class.
  • At one point, Beth and I left, to try to find more people. I *think* we found my friend Brian, but he didn't want to do the ceremony.
  • I was curious why there weren't more people around, or people I recognized, but that's dreams for you.

I think there was more of a plot to this dream. It did all seem to hang together when I woke up from it, but time and daylight drive out the details, and make it all just gossimer on the winds...

I'm "on duty" at work this week, which means I'm the administrator on call for the evenings if anything happens on campus. We'll see how this week goes.

Does anyone else out there have any weird dreams of their past to share?

NP: Genesis - In The Cage (24 Jan 1975)

1 comment:

Louie said...

It's not really about my past, but the other night I had this dream that I was in my parent's old house. There was this little creature living in the closet under the stairs (it was this pale yellow, skinny with loose skin, nose like a trunk thing) that was apparently a nasty demon from the Netherlands folklore. It was trying to get us. Luckily this old lady from Norway showed up and stabbed it in its back. It started to bleed all over the place until it turned into a rocket ship and blasted off into space.

So... that's what I've been dreaming about lately.