30 October 2005

Welcome to the Time Change

I'm assuming everyone survived the time change last night. Nothing too shocking for anyone, I would think...

Today was a good relaxing day, although my body hasn't adjusted to the change in time yet, as I got hungry about an hour earlier than I really should have.

No real music related activity today, although I did backup the home recording files on my computer, so that if the computer blows up, we'll be spared the indignity of losing my musical output for future generations to lament over.

I have been reading "Binge," the book written about modern college life. It's not a bad read. The author, Barry Seaman, who I met and hosted while he was here at Dartmouth, is generally a nice enough guy. Reading the book as someone in the field of Higher Education, it seems to be a very "surface" look at the issues facing colleges today. I could imagine though, someone who is less familiar with college being a bit more intrigued by the book. Not a bad read, but I don't think I'm going to gain much perspective from it, as I haven't read anything that's surprised me yet, or that I didn't already know. I haven't reached my references yet, and since life is really all about me, I expect to be thrilled with what I have to say...

NP: Catherine Wheel, Tumbledown

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