09 January 2006

I've got a case of the Mondays...

*cough* *cough*

I'm a bit under the weather today. On Friday evening, when I went to see the movie "Hostel" with some co-workers, I noticed that my throat was a bit scratchy. I took it easy over the weekend, and it is actually better than it was, but I still have a bit of a stuffed nose and itchy throat. I'm thinking it's going away, but I'll have to keep a close watch on it...

Speaking of this "Hostel" movie, it's not really worth seeing. There's a total of about one scary part to it, and it's not even that scary, more gross than anything. While I do like seeing stupid people do stupid things in these kinds of films, it really didn't do much for me. The start of the movie was a real slow set up.

The one thing I did enjoy about it is that the kid who is set up at the start as the "hero," or main character, ends up not being that person. It's his friend who is the real "hero" of the film. (I"m not worried about spoilers with this film, because it's so dopey otherwise). And, the friend wasn't white/anglo-saxon, which is a general departure in the horror genre that I thought was quite good. Too bad it was in such a lousy movie.

However, there was a preview for the remake of "The Hills Have Eyes," that looks like it has potential. I saw the original way back in college, and I think it's time to see it again.

I did watch two movies on DVD this weekend, "Office Space," and "The Day The Earth Stood Still." If you haven't seen them, go out and get them. I'm not really in the mood to summarize them here, or write a review, but trust me, they're good.

More later... I know I've been missing my daily updates, so I'm going to try to dedicate myself again to doing this.


Mike + The Mechanics; Let's Pretend It Didn't Happen (my computer plays music randomly, I'm sorry!)

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