13 January 2006

Things that piss me off!

Rampage! Destroy! GRRRR!!!

Okay, that's out of my system. I thought it would be funny to list things that annoy me here. So, without further ado...

1. People walking through the wrong double door: When you approach a double door, generally, I feel that you should go through the right hand door. That way, people coming out the other way won't get a Mike Lord in their face. However, not everyone seems to know this rule of thumb. Grr.

2. Littering: Case in point. Today, I saw someone in the post office, who thought they dropped something, bend down and pick up a small piece of paper. When the person discovered it wasn't theirs, they dropped it back on the floor. Is it really that hard to throw something away, once you pick it up?

3. On the subject of doors again, if there are double doors, and one is open, everyone tries to go through the open door. I've seen people wait to get through the open door, when if the other door was opened, it would (amazingly) double the volume of traffic the entrance/exit could handle. And don't tell me that the one door is stuck closed, because I've *tried* the other door in these circumstances, and 95% of the time, it opens fine.

4. Lack of a sense of humor. Do I really even need to go into this? I'm not talking about people who find other things funny that I don't find funny at all. At least those people have a sense of humor, even if it's not mine. I'm talking about people who lack any humor at all. It's not as rare as I would think it would be.

Of course, I could go on, with people who are unwilling to think, to be critical of their own beliefs (which can be hard, I know), or whatever. But, I'd rather not get worked up this late at night.

This weekend should be a restful one. I think my body needs lots of sleep, and I'm ready to acquiese to that wish. I'm reading "On Human Nature" by E. O. Wilson right now, for a presentation I have to do at a conference in March on Sociobiology in Residence Hall Situations. It should be interesting, I think it'll be an interesting session, as long as I'm prepared for it.

I'd like to get it all ready by the middle of February, to give me plenty of margin time to revise and get comfortable with it. It should be fun.

NP: Bill Bruford and Michiel Borstlap; Swansong

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