02 March 2006


This is a busy week of UGA interviews here in Res Life. Conveniently (for me, and it's all about me, isn't it?), all the interviews are done in Brace Commons, so I don't have far to travel. It does keep me from experiencing the outside world, so today I made sure to get out of the building and go to the office, mainly to pick up mail, but also to experience the outside world.

Tomorrow morning, I'll be traveling out to pay for my car registration for this year. Exciting stuff!

Talked to my grandmother today, as Sue and I got an anniversary card from her in the mail. She's 88 years old, and is doing fine, living in an assisted living home in New Jersey, near where my family lives. She moved out of her house after 53 years back in summer 2004, but then had to move to another assisted living location when the place that she was living was sold for some other purpose. The new owners were not interested in keeping the home going. Fortunately, she was able to find a place relatively easily, with the help of family in the area.

Tomorrow is the last day of interviews for this term. They haven't tired me out like the interview week has in the past. Perhaps I'm doing a better job of pacing myself, or I'm mis-remembering how tired I actually was in the past from these.

NP: Frank Zappa - The Mammy Anthem (12 July 1982)

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