24 April 2006


Ah, the wonders of the Inter-Ether-Web... I just heard, via a comment below, from the aforementioned Baron, who was a good friend from back in the days of Ocean Township High School, class of '89.

That was way back in the last century, for those young ones out there.

It's a good time, to hear back from people that I've lost contact with over the years. When I think about that high school graduation was 17 years ago, I can certainly get a little nostalgic. It's not an eternity, and generally, I like to live in the present, versus wallowing in the past, but it's good to visit the past periodically.

Hell, I do genealogy! Let's be honest, I *love* wallowing in the past...

But, my wallowing is not about trying to relive the past, or changing what has happened. It's more of a reflective wallowing, to learn and remember the good/bad/ugly times from back then. Brian and I are very good at doing this if you get us together for any period of time.

"Guess Who" wanted to hear more stories about that Baron fellah... I remember Baron, Brian and I working together on studying for a final exam in Mr. Lefsky's Macro class. We had to basically overhaul the American economy. I vaguely remember us liking the idea of reinstating chain gangs, to have prisoners do more menial labor. I'd have to find my notebooks from back then (which I still have, in some trunks in the apartment), to see what our ideas were. Lefsky encouraged us to work together, which was good, as I think the three of us probably wrote fairly identical essays for that test. I think we all did well...

I also remember, on a trip to NYC with the aforementioned Macro class, that Baron had a jacket, perhaps a Members Only type, that we joked looked as if he had a gun in a shoulder holster. Much fun ensued when Baron slowly made to reach for his imaginary gun...

Well, it was funny at the time, really...

In other news, work is going okay. I'm still waiting to hear from some of the jobs I've applied for, but colleges, and Student Affairs positions in particular, are usually sssssssssssssssslllllllllllllllloooooooooooooooowwwwwwwwwwwwwww in doing their job searches. So, I submit resumes, and wait...

I have some photos from that New York trip, I'll see if I can get them onto the computer to post up here... Ah, to be young and have hair...


Anonymous said...

in my stylistic defense, it was a leather jacket. i think we were in the federal reserve, or some other money-focused place where a man with a gun might try something stupid. gun toting high school students in new york city. ah, those innocent days before 9/11 and Columbine...

cabinboy said...

Hey, Baron! How do?

I was wanting to share a Baron moment here w Zorky. Perhaps you can help fill in the gaps in my perforated memory...

I think it was the same trip to NYC...? Or I'm thinking that it MIGHT have been in the auditorium after school during play rehearsal...?

Well, your sister Kristin was in the area w her friends, and our good buddy Tom I. saw fit to share some complimentary words about her, not knowing that she was your sibling...

If we were in a cartoon, steam would've been shooting out of your ears. There was some glaring on your part, some serious words had with Mr. I., followed by some bugging on his part...

I can't recall the actual verbiage, but Tom seemed to physically shrink in fright.

It was righteous. =)

Zorky, Baron, do you recall this little exchange?

Anonymous said...

Hey Brian!

Well do I remember that day. Actually, what I really remember was later, sitting in Macro before class, when Tom started making some comments about wanting to ask Christy out. So I told him that if he so much as talked to her, I'd kill him (for those of you not connected to OTHS, Tom was the kind of slimeball jock that probably committed multiple counts of drunken date rapes later in college - or so he always seemed to me). Tom made some kind of joke, and Mike looked at him, with utter sincerity, and said, "Tom, he's not kidding. He'll kill you."

I was a little surprised to learn that I'd created such an impression on Mike, but was quite pleased to see Tom shrink back into his letterman jacket. There's nothing quite as useful for a guy in high school as a reputation for mindless violence... Good times.

I think I might have convinced Mike of my sincerity during lunch one day when Lynch made some sexual comment about my girlfriend, so I started choking him with one arm while continuing to eat with the other. (I called Lynch that night to apologize for overreacting.)

Good to hear from you Brian. How do yourself? And In?

zorknapp said...

See, what I remember of this is some sort of incident outside of Waldenbooks, in Monmouth Mall, where the aforementioned Tom (although I wouldn't have rememebered his name without your guys prompting).

It was the same basic situation, where Tom was like, "Hey, I think your sister is hot," and Baron said, "I'll kill you if you come near her."

And now that Baron's reminded me of my statement, I am recalling it. I don't think it was that I really thought Baron was that badass (although I do also vaguely remember the incident with Erik), but that I wanted to keep the craziness happening.

That's me, I'm an instigator...

Although, it is possible, since we all remember slightly different versions of it, that it happened multiple times, and Tom was just too stupid to not realize he was putting himself deeper and deeper into trouble.

He used to blink a lot, right?

Anonymous said...

my god did he blink a lot.

i suppose he might have turned out to be an okay guy, once his high school letter jacket period passed (he wore that damned jacket everywhere). but i doubt it.

i THINK what happened is that i wasn't actually around when tom first announced his interest. i remember being told about it after the fact. then tom started making some unwise remarks in macro, and i momentarily forgot that most of his friends were jocks, while most of my friends actually enjoyed macroeconomics. not that there's anything wrong with that!

mike, i didn't so much mean that i thought that you believed me to be a badass. just that you thought i was irrational. which, i believe, i provided evidence for on various, though usually nonviolent, occasions.

jeez, haven't thought this much about high school since i was in it. cool.