28 September 2006


Well, I mentioned on here yesterday that I thought that the year anniversary of this blog was coming up. I have since looked more closely, and I started this blog on 18 September 2005, so the year date has already passed.

Sue me!

I forgot to mention, also, that one of the movies Sue and I saw recently was Beerfest, the latest Broken Lizard movie, from the same people who did Super Troopers. Beerfest was fun, I viewed it as a live action cartoon. Good doofy fun.

Onto deeper things, work continues to go well. It's funny, because I'm not even at the three month mark (that'll be on October 10th), but it feels like I've been there much longer, and not in a bad way. Of course, I'm still figuring stuff out, like where to put items to file away, but overall, it's going well. Having a title like "Assistant Director," gets some attention when you ask people to do things, but there's also relationship building that has to happen, because titles only go so far.

I'm beginning to get calls from other offices, people looking for assistance, or even my opinion about approaches to initiatives, oddly enough. It's fun, but also something to get used to.

Tomorrow, I'll be consolidating my list of stuff to talk about on the next episode of Pseudocertainty. It should be fun, as Joe and I haven't recorded an episode in quite awhile.

NP: Brian Eno + David Byrne - Mea Culpa

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