11 October 2006


Ah, it's raining a bit now, should be kind of dreary for the next few days. Weather. What can you do?

Can I get any more inane on this thing? Weather talk. If you're really interested in the weather, go to here. Really.

I'm on the verge of finishing the present book I'm reading, "The Pirate Coast," the story of the liberation of about 300 US Navy sailors from Tripoli in the early 1800's. It's one of those events in history that people kind of know about ("...From the halls of Montezuma to the shores of Tripoli..." and all that), but that is really sketchy on the details when pressed. The book focuses on William Eaton, former American consul to Tripoli, and leader of a semi-US sponsored effort to overthrow the government of Tripoli. The book generally does a good job with the story, but the author is really in love with Eaton as a character. Not a real detraction to the book, but it's certainly not a really balanced account of the events. I am glad I read it, though. I have about 10 pages left.

That's the excitement here for now. More to come later, I'm sure...

NP: Adrian Belew - Big Blue Sun

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