17 October 2006


Have you ever done something really dopey, and spent the a lot of time kicking yourself about it? I just did something like that...

Sue and I opened up new bank accounts two weekends ago, since Citizens, our old bank from NH, doesn't have any branches in this area. On the Tuesday after Columbus Day, I gave our Human Resources office my new direct deposit information for the new bank. They said that the new deposit wouldn't take effect until my November 15th paycheck, so I could expect the October 15th check to go into my old account.

Therefore, when the 15th rolled around, I initiated some bill payments, and debited them from my Citizens account. Granted, I should have checked the Citizens website, to see if my pay had credited...

You see where this is going, don't you?

So, on Monday, I check Citizens on-line, and there's still no sign of my cash. With a sinking feeling, I check my new account, and bingo, there's my money.


I do some quick transferring of money from my old Savings into my checking account, and I end up only being overdrafted by a measly 60 cents! Today, I sent a check off to Citizens to cover that small amount. But still, it's been a pain in the butt as I've scurried around on-line, and on the phone, trying to resolve all this. I don't like being overdrawn, but I do realize I should have checked the online accounts thoroughly before initiating payment. Now, I know for the future not to do this...

In happier news, my friend Brian came down to visit this weekend. It's always too short, but when you live a few states away from each other, you take what you can get. We geeked out, talking a lot about nerdy TV stuff, watched some fun movies (Shaun of the Dead, anyone), and just hung out. It was very casual, which was good. In the future, we may do some more NYC/NJ stuff, but for this visit, relaxed was the course of the day.

I'm sure there'll be more visits in the future. Maybe I can take Brian on the cemetery tour, and show him where all my old relatives are buried. Wouldn't that be *fun?*

Wouldn't it?

NP: Frank Zappa - Dental Hygene Dilemma


cabinboy said...

Did you all see that? "The Cemetary Tour?" I do believe Zorky just threatened my life! You all saw it, right?

You won't get me so easily... I'm onto you...

zorknapp said...

The tour can end in many ways... Your choice!