19 October 2006


Yes, I've sunk to a new low. I have no other subject for this blog, just the day...

Granted, I don't really take much time coming up with my catchy one word titles. I just go for it. That's the wildman I am on this blog.

I've been thinking about asking for a roll call in the comments here, to see how many "regular" readers I get on this. I know of a few friends/family who check in like clockwork, but I'm curious about who else is out there. But, I wonder if asking people for "attendance" is a bit too much like seeking random affirmation. Your thoughts? Feel free to write comments...

On the reading front, I just started a new science fiction book by Alastair Reynolds, called Century Rain. I have been reading less SF recently, mainly because there's more non-fiction out there that's of interest to me than fiction. However, Reynolds is a newer author who I've found, and he writes stories that aren't just space monster shoot 'em ups. I'm all for a good adventure, but less in reading and more on tv or in movies.

I've just started this book, but it seems to be a sort of murder mystery, beginning in Paris 1959, but there's a future section to it also, taking place at least a couple centuries in the future, when Earth is uninhabitable. I'm assuming the two stories are going to link up at some point, but I'm too early in the narrative to see where it's going. I've enjoyed his previous books, so I'm hoping this one will be a good read.

Other books "on deck" I have are "The God Delusion" by Richard Dawkins, "Star Wars on Trial," edited by David Brin and some other guy, "Abducted," by someone named Clancy, and "American Sphinx" by Joseph Ellis. Having only four books in my on deck area is rare for me, but I haven't found a good bookstore in this area yet. There's a Barnes & Nobles in Hoboken I'll have to check out, and I'm sure there's some other ones around, I just haven't made time to find them yet.

And a hearty congrats to my friend Lou and his wife Sania, they had a baby last week!

NP: Jeff Buckley - Nightmares By The Sea

1 comment:

Jen said...

Hey- I'm here. And no congrats to Holly? The baby is cute!