20 November 2006


I brought my car to AAMCO this morning, and they fixed it right up for me. There was some sort of hose that was loose, and some transmission fluid had leaked out. They waved the magic car fixing wand over my auto, and all is now well. It's actually driving better than it was on Saturday, I believe. I'll have to bring it back late next week for a quick check, to make sure all is well, but I'm fairly confident it'll be fine. No charge for this morning's work either, since it was their issue with whatever hose had to be replaced that caused it.

In other news, those of you who know me know of my musical tastes, and recent news has been made public that one of my favorite bands, Genesis, will be touring next year. I know Genesis gets kind of a bad rap, being not very fashionable, due mainly to the presence of Phil Collins, but that's okay. Genesis has always been a band that's more than their radio hits, and I'm looking forward to seeing them next year when they tour in the US. I just hope it doesn't conflict with any work committments, but I'm sure the odds of that are small.

The tour initially was supposed to be a "Lamb Lies Down on Broadway" show, with Peter Gabriel and Steve Hackett rejoining the band, but Gabriel is still a bit hesitant to commit to such a venture. Give it another year or two, and I think it'll go forward. Genesis, back in the day, was a very "arty" band, and even their more modern albums (released 12 years ago!) weren't just three minute singles. And, you look at the older albums, and there are three minute songs on there also. From their first album of worth, "Trespass," from 1970, to "We Can't Dance" from 1992, there are songs of value on each album. Yeah, "Invisible Touch" was a bit over overkill, but that album was almost an accident of the 1980's. A conjunction of decent songs, with Collins's popularity just propelled the band to another level. There are songs I love on each Genesis album, and there are songs I can live without. Hopefully this upcoming tour (in late summer 2007 in the US) will give me more of the ones I enjoy. All signs are looking good, for now...

NP: George Gershwin - An American In Paris


cabinboy said...

A bit of synchronicity, reading your Genesis post hours after first hearing and seeing the video for Disturbed's cover of "Land Of Confusion."

Yeah, I guess it's been out for a while now... I can't keep track of EVERYthing!

Sad, not even a mention of Genesis in the posting there at YouGle. Kids today!

Still, it inspires some real comment gems...

"This kinda confused me. Where the hell did that hooded guy get that fist power?"

"So in total it's gay, gay plagarism with a gay band singing a gay song."

"i liked it it showed whats happing in the real world unlike some music like emo music...."

Ah, the internet... Madonna and Whore...

... or something...

zorknapp said...

Articulate commentary the YouTube comments are not... :)