17 January 2007


In a rare occurance for me, I actually left work sick today. I wasn't physically feeling ill, but I did have some strange rash over a lot of my arms, torso, and a bit on my back and legs. I don't know if you can see it on this photo of my right arm, but here it is...

Can you see the redness there? I had that all over my front, some of my back, and in other various places. It isn't really spreading anymore, but I can't really tell if it's fading. If it's not on its way to being gone tomorrow, I'll give a doctor a call, and see if I can set up an appointment. I haven't found a "regular" doctor around here yet, so I'll have to see what the options are, if I can...
So, I've just been hanging around, reading, relaxing, itching every once in awhile, and that's it. I don't know what's caused this, but it does look a bit like when people who've had the chicken-pox in their youth, get a recurrance of a rash later in life tied in with the pox... That's my barnyard medicine diagnosis....
I'll keep you up to date on my status.


Louie said...

To me it looks like urticaria (hives). That can either be from an allergic reaction, a viral illness, cold, or idiopathic (doctor speak for "we really don't know what's causing it"). Try taking some benadryl if it's still bothering you. Of course this is all based on one poor quality picture. If it starts involving your eyes (not around your eyes - the eyeballs themselves) or inside your mouth you should be seen soon. Any questions e-mail me or give me a call.

Louie said...

Oh yeah - the above was written for entertainment purposes only and should not be considered medical advice. :) :) :)

cabinboy said...

Anyone can see from this image that Zorky's definitely responsive to visual stimuli. I'm telling you it would be a crime to pull the plug on him at this point... A crime!

Were you by any chance recently at an arena concert in the rain?