13 January 2007


Okay, the dime is silver. Does no one out there know their numismatic history?

What is the world coming to these days? Dimes and quarters from 1964 and before were made with silver. Half dollars also, although those *may* have continued to be silver for a few years after 1965. Can't remember the details offhand...

So, I haven't checked the value of the 1961 (Philadelphia mint) silver dime I found. Probably 11 cents.

My last sessions for training ended today, so I'm officially done. I get to help out with our Behind Closed Doors tomorrow, but I don't have much to do with that, as I assigned the planning of it to my two supervisees. I know they'll do a great job with it, so that's all good.

Other than that, I look forward to getting a good night's sleep tonight. I slept well yesterday, but just not for long enough! That's what I get for having to work weekends.

NP: King Crimson - FraKctured (4 June 2000)

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