16 March 2007


Ah yes, today was my birtday, born in Neptune, NJ, at 6:51am, back in 1971. As my friend Brian points out, I'm now officially square, as 6x6=36.

Ah, math humor. I just realized we passed pi (March 14th) the other day, when it was mentioned on Stephen Colbert (that's why he was feeling so irrational).

Because of the crappy weather today, we actually had a half day of work. So, it was nice to get away from work early on my birthday. Yay for me.

Sue and I would have gone out to eat, but because of the aforementioned bad weather, we got a pizza from the place down the street. Personally, it hit the spot for me, so a good birthday was had by all. Sue got me a t-shirt that is "Stewart-Colbert '08," which I will wear with pride.

This weekend, dependent on the weather, we'll probably go into NYC to see "The Host," as I mentioned the other day on here.

That's about it... Happy birthday to me, and all that... :)

NP: Genesis - Firth of Fifth (28 Nov 1981)

1 comment:

Louie said...

Happy Birthday Mike!