11 March 2007

Richard Jeni

I just read about an hour or so ago, on AOL News, that Richard Jeni, one of my favorite comedians of the past 17 years, died by an apparent suicide.

I first discovered Richard Jeni from 30 minute Showtime special from 1989. I still have it on tape somewhere. I showed that tape to so many people, making fans of him when I was in college. I think I was having some friends over to watch Evil Dead II in the summer of 1989, and while waiting for a few more people to show up, we caught this special on cable. We all laughed, but I really connected with his humor.

Later that summer, I taped it, thinking that it would be good to bring to college with me. It was, and the following summer, I taped his second 60 minute Showtime special, and those tapes became regular viewing in our room in Shaw House at Boston College.

I saw Jeni live at least once during college, and a few times while living in Boston before departing for grad school in 1996. I even have a tape of every episode of his short lived TV show on UPN, Platypus Man.

While in grad school, I picked up Jeni's CD, Greatest Bits. The tape I made of it is still in my car, and gets played often on long car rides.

I don't know what may have driven Jeni to suicide. Did he feel that he deserved bigger success? Did he have health issues? I don't know, and it almost doesn't matter, as we've lost a good comic voice.

So, Richard Jeni, I'll miss your comedy. And, I'll miss the potential that once was...

NP: Genesis - Behind the Lines


magickat said...

I thought he was great also. I remember that special back in the very late 80's. Jeni was amazing... funny, sharp, made you think.

I don;t understand why we lose all great comedians to tragedy. Why does this happen over and over?

Anonymous said...

Those that laugh on the outside - cry on the inside.

Anonymous said...

Fabulously talented man.

Assuming the first reports are correct, it's worth noting that it's extremely rare -- and I mean EXTREMELY rare -- for someone to commit suicide by shooting themself in the face. Mouth, neck, head ... yes. Straight in the face? If I were the cops my eyebrows would be on the ceiling.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

OMG would it be possible to get a copy of the NYPD NUDE epi of Platypus man from you?????????
you have no idea how long been looking for a copy. you could make my 2008 a rockin' year
please let me know-- either way