28 August 2007

The Return of the Giant Postweed....

Yes, I'm back to posting on here, after a little short of a month away. Today, upperclass students (sophomores-seniors) moved into their residence halls on campus, and classes start tomorrow.

So, this means that a large part of my super busy time is now over. Granted, I will now be busy in different ways, but that's okay, I'm used to the rhythms of my job, I know what has to come now at different times, and what I must do to prepare.

We also have a number of transitions going on in the office. We have a "new" grad assistant starting tomorrow. I put "new" in quotes as she has worked in the office before, so she'll be able to jump right in to the detail work she needs to be doing.

We also have a new Housing person on board, who started last week, really in the thick of it. He's been jumping right in, and really has a good sense of the job.

Our Director is transitioning out, as she is going to be going to school full time. The new Director has been hired, and while he doesn't start officially for about another 10 days or so, he has been able to come in to the office for some of the big things going on, like First Year opening, and the start of Resident Assistant Training. I think we'll work well together. I've enjoyed working with the Director who is leaving, so I'll miss that, but change is always exciting, and I think this will keep me interested in the job in a different way than would have been otherwise.

So, lots of new people in the office. Which is fun, but has made the start of this year a bit "busier" than it would have been otherwise. However, with the start of classes tomorrow, we will get into our rhythm now. I'm looking forward to this year, and what it will bring.

RA Training, which I coordinate, with the big help of the two professionals who report to me, went off well. The students really kept their energy up all week, and I think they got the information from Training that they needed to get. Of course, the "on the job" training they'll get over the course of the next week or two, from actually working with their residents, will serve them well more than any formal training would on its own.

The RA group has a great vibe to them, and I think the group is going to work together well this year. Check back with me in May, and see if I still believe this. I think it'll pan out...

We started off the Training week back on the 17th with a trip rafting on the Delaware River. I'd recommend it to anyone who likes being outdoors, floating down a river with some minor fast parts, and spending 3-4 hours on the water. I think the staff got a lot out of it, as some of them had never done anything like it before.

Back on the weekend of the 11-12th, Sue and I had our friend Nariah down visiting from New Hampshire. Sue and Nariah went into NYC on the Saturday, while I went into the city for a different purpose, a Scavenger Hunt at the Metropolitan Museum of Art, done through the social group here at work that I help coordinate. It was a lot of fun, and I'm looking forward to help plan more events coming up.

I'll definitely be updating this a bit more often now. So, watch this space!

NP: King Crimson - Book of Saturday (6 Oct 1973)

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