09 January 2008


Today, Senator Barack Obama had his NJ coming out party right here on the campus of Saint Peter's College, where I work. We were able to take this afternoon to go to the event, and it was a great time. I'm still a bit on the fence about who to vote for in the Primary, but Obama is my top preference right now. I need to do a bit more reading though...

So, here are some photos of the event!

This is Kennedy Boulevard, which cuts through campus. You can see the line to get in on the other side of the road. Supposedly, not everyone could get in, and there were about 1000-2000 people who couldn't enter the Rec Center where the event was held. The event was delayed a bit, as Obama pressed the flesh outside a bit, to make sure that those who couldn't get in didn't leave too disappointed.

Obama, on stage, speechifying. I was about 15 feet from him, at the most. Great vantage, and the crowd was really with him all the way, listening, responding, and generally paying good attention.

At the end, I did get to shake his hand, and I got these next two photos of him, by just holding my camera up and hoping to get something good...

Be sure to register to vote, if you're in the US. Vote! And if you're not in the US, vote in whatever elections you can!

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