01 February 2006

Addicted to Oil?

No, it's not a new Robert Palmer song (RIP), not even a new Power Station song (RIP ditto), but something that Our Great Leader talked about in the State of the Union address last night.

Interesting now that people in power are realizing that if we had energy independence, perhaps we wouldn't be as beholden to regimes or other leaders who control the energy supply of the country. And this is not just a Republican thing, the Democrats, while being a little better with it, are still far off from being good advocates for alternative energy sources.

So, kudos to OGL for mentioning this in the State of the Union, but if something actually happens from this, I might actually be a happy guy. The only other kudos that OGL gets from me is giving NASA a goal to head back to the Moon by 2020, which NASA actually hopes to do by 2018 or 2017, according to Space.com.

Just finished exercising for the day. I try to do at least 30 minutes each day on the recumbent bike. It gives me a bit of activity each day, and keeps most of the flabbyness away.

Got something for Sue last night for her birthday. Can't tell you what it is yet though... Not till March.

Today was payday, so bills were paid, and I'll put some money into savings tomorrow, and throw some additional cash at my student loans either this week or next. I'd really like to get rid of this loan before the end of the year. I have less than 10K to pay off, and I'm just tired of paying it each month. If I were to pay it normally each month, it would take till April 2009 to pay off the loan. So, if I can aim to get it done this year, I'll knock off a bit of interest that I'd be paying in the future.

NP: Chris Squire & Billy Sherwood, Days of Wonder

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