06 June 2006


Tomorrow is closing/move out day for all non-graduating students here at Dartmouth. I get to go around in the morning, starting at about 9am, and check all the rooms in the cluster to make sure people are on their way out. It's actually a fun time, because most people are either gone already, or are on their way to leave. Most people want to leave at this time of year, as it's really the end, for now...

Tonight, a number of us went out for CD Tricia's birthday, to a local chain restaurant called Margarita's. It's Mexican, but not the most authentic place in the world. Still, a good time was had by all, although the service was a bit slow.

Me, I got home around 8pm, exercised, and am now writing this. I was watching my new DVD of the movie "The Aristocrats" earlier, which I recommend to anyone interested in comedy, although it's not for the faint of heart... Lots of naughty language, and gross stuff abounds. Sign me up!

My general status on life right now is that it seems like a lot of things are in holding patterns. Work is good, but with doing a search, it's all in flux. I may be here in 2 months, I may be somewhere else, depending on how things go with interviews, offers, and the like. I am dealing with the ambiguity okay, but it's more an annoyance than anything else.

NP: Rachmaninov - Suite No. 1 Op. 5, 1st Movement


Anonymous said...

re:ambiguity---"Sometimes I go about in pity for myself but, all the while, a great wind carried me across the sky."

Anonymous said...

I know what you mean about being in limbo during a job search. I remember getting a pain in the ass project assignment, then realizing that I probably wouldn't be around to do most of the work anyway. Bliss! Then I'd hang out with friends from work and we'd talk about something months away, and all the time I'd feel like I was faking it, since I knew I was looking to leave and they didn't.

Then again, you're not exactly hiding your job search, so you probably don't have that issue. Good luck with the search.