30 March 2006


I've been watching the DVD's of the 1st (and alas, only) season of the TV show "Firefly," thanks to a birthday gift from Mr. Paik. We were talking about this show over Christmas, at home in NJ, and it came up that I hadn't actually ever seen it. I didn't really actively avoid it, but there are times when I avoid the 1st season of science fiction television shows, as it generally takes a season or so to work the kinks out of a good show.

I won't bother summarizing the story of Firefly. If you're interested, I'm sure there are plenty of websites out there giving you all the information you need or want. Sue and I have watched the first 2 discs as of now, and out of those 7 episodes, they've all been pretty solid. There was one that was not as good as the others (where the Doctor character was kidnapped, along with his sister, by a town needing a doctor), but even that one wasn't horrible, there just wasn't that much special or interesting about it.

It was definitely a show ended before it's time, but really, what do you expect with an unknown like Joss Whedon at the helm? I mean, why would you give someone with an unproven track record time to actually develop characters, plot, and an audience. I mean, it's totally reasonable that Fox would not want to pour good money after bad? It's just like that show Arrested Development. Why bother with quality?

(For the sarcasm impaired, please refer to that last paragraph.)

I do have to say, I think I can add the "What, we're married!?!?" cliche to the list of SF plots that every science fiction show, by law, has to do. Fortunately, most pull it off with an interesting twist, but everyone has to do it...

Did Firefly ever have Space Nazis? Or is that just the Alliance?

NP: Steve Howe - Double Rondo


Brook Trout Designs said...

Love Firefly...love Whedon.

Man, enjoy the fact that your wife will watch it with you. Mine won't can near Sci/Fi with a ten foot lightsaber.

Anyhow, if you haven't seen Serenity, which is the movie that follows Firefly, watch the series and then enjoy the movie. Good stuff.

cabinboy said...

Without time travel or an alternate universe portal, I don't know that we'd ever see any group Space Nazi'er than the Alliance. Nice to see MELROSE PLACE's Doug Savant get some decent work with them. I suppose we may never know...


Still, can't beat FIREFLY for cowboy worlds! =)

cabinboy said...

If you're in need of a Nazy fix, you might check out SciFi this weekend for SS DOOMTROOPER! Not really the space variety, but more the mutated biomechanoid supersoldier experiment hidden for half a century type. With Parker Lewis!
