28 March 2006


I'm glad to see my work idea has provoked such discussion. See the post below, and enjoy! I'll be posting my consultation rates soon.

I took the Jeopardy! online contestant test tonight, 50 trivia questions. I think I did well, but we'll see how it develops, if I get a contact from them. We shall see. Unfortunately, my mom couldn't get on the website, so she wasn't able to do it. I would have liked to see if she got the same questions (I'm 99% sure they would have been identical), and also to see if there were any that I just missed. Out of the 50, I think I got between 40-45 right, but I'm not sure, of course.

I had my first full staff meeting of the term tonight. I always enjoy staff meetings, my staff cracks me up in many ways. They work well, although sometimes I'd like a bit more conversation happening. I'll try to think of ways to develop more opportunities for people to contribute.

I'm still working on my old tape conversion. I did a lot of Yes tapes, and got down to my last 5 or so, and decided I needed a change, so now I'm working on the MP3 conversion of some of my Genesis tapes. That pile was almost as large as my Yes tapes, so if I knock this down a bit, it'll help reduce the overall volume of tapes I need to convert. It's one of those things I just have to keep plugging away at. Fortunately, I can read a book, or watch a bit of television while doing it.

Tomorrow morning, I have to go out and get some muffins and other snacks for our staff meeting, as we're doing our birthday celebrations for myself, CD Daniel, and Michele, our Admin Assistant. It's always good to snack a bit during these meetings.



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