26 March 2006

Indy! Part 3

This is the 3rd, and probably last part of this update on my travels. I'll confirm if it's the last at the end of this post. If it is, we'll be back to our regularly scheduled programming tomorrow, and I'm sure you can all barely wait!

When I came back to my room, after the first day of the conference, I found my toiletries put nicely on this towel by the cleaning staff. Thank you, Indy Marriott!

Blurry picture of me on the 2nd day (Sunday) of the conference. I looked snazzy, trust me...

Two of my Dartmouth co-workers, outside of the Dartmouth social on Monday evening. A good time was had by all...

Snowy Tuesday morning. There was about 2 inches, perhaps, on the ground. I guess the Indinapolis natives went a bit buggy over this, but up here in NH, 2 inches would be nothing!

Here's a photo of the main conference area, on Tuesday morning. Quite barren, isn't it?

This row of tables is where prospective job candidates would go to set up interviews with employers. Groovy stuff...

This is the area where candidates could sit down, take a load off, write thank you notes to employers, or do whatever they need to do to stay on top of their interview game. I like to think of it as "Where Hope Goes To Die."

Sadness is an empty candidate mailbox. Here's mine, empty. But no worries, I wasn't expecting any messages at this point of the conference. Really!

Here's the actual interview area. Employers sit on one side of the table, the candidate on the other, and there you have it! Again, being the last interview day, there's a lot of nothing happening here. It's not as bad as it looks, as a candidate, you're usually able to tune out any other conversations pretty well.

And Wednesday, on the way home! I got to sit by an engine! Yay! Surprisingly, it wasn't any louder than other places I've sat on planes.

Looking out the next window up. Goodbye, Indy! I hardly knew ya, but you seemed like an okay place.

In the air between Detroit and Manchester. Can you spot the UFO?

My flying needs. A book, a drink, and a cup. I'm a simple man.

So, that's all my photos. The conference overall was a good time. I got to interview for some possible future positions, and we'll see how that develops over the next month or two. I got to reconnect with some old grad school friends, hung out with co-workers outside of work (always fun), got to attend some decent sessions (and one or two that weren't so great), and did a session of my own (on living in residence halls as a professional when you're married or partnered) which someone told me was the best session they had attended at the conference.

Of course, I didn't ask how many other sessions the person had attended.

So, unless there are any questions from you all, my loyal readers, this will probably be the last chapter of the Indy saga. Unless Harrison Ford comes back for a 4th movie...

NP: Queen, It's Late

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