13 March 2006


For those of you who don't know, my friend Joe and I do an internet radio show called Pseudocertainty. Every few weeks, we record a show, sometimes about odd news events, random stuff, and our own habits. Compelling listening, for all of you I'm sure.

We are available through I-Tunes, I think, as a podcast. Our numbers of downloads have been going up in the last few months, so perhaps it's working.

Our goal is to not have to do "real" work, but that hasn't happened yet. When o when will we be discovered for our own greatness?

All this blabbing about the show is to point out that we have a new one up there, recorded this past Saturday evening. I've always thought that late night is the best time to record these shows, and I think it's been bourne out by our last few offerings.

For the "log" part of this entry, it's been a productive time at work, getting stuff done, and seeing what I have to do. I won't bore you with the details, but it has been fun. Tomorrow, I may have to leave campus for a bit to do some work elsewhere around the town, but nothing too bad.

I made my first e-bay mistake today. I sent the wrong DVD to one of my buyers. Fortunately, over e-mail, he's more than happy to forward the item I sent him to the proper person. It restores my faith in humanity, I tell you...

NP: King Crimson, Improv: Pforzheim

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