12 February 2006

Saturday night/Sunday Morning...

So, I tried to write something up last night, but there were problems with the connection here. I'm out in Brace Commons, watching a bit of the Olympics, chatting with students as people come and go.

It's been a busy week, with a lot of evening committments. Dinner events with students earlier in the week, on Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday, a Student Staff recruitment information session on Wednesday, and staying out here in Brace on Thursday, Friday, and tonight. Fortunately, I've been able to sleep late today (Saturday), and this coming morning (Sunday), so I should be getting some rest to keep exhaustion away.

I have a lot less evening committments this coming week, which will make it much more bearable.

But, whate else have I been doing for fun? I've recorded a bass part for a new song. I want to put a guitar part on it next, and am trying to think of something creative for it. Some of my music tends to be kind of basic or samey to my mind, limited by my restricted playing abilities. I've been thinking of taking some guitar or piano lessons, in order to increase my skills. Perhaps in the springtime I'll look into it.

Sue and I watched the last four episodes of Arrested Development (Free Annyong!) today, which aired last night. It did a good job of wrapping up the storyline from the last 3 years, and should it be picked up by anywhere else (Hello Showtime!), there's enough to continue the show. There were a lot of great laughs in the final episodes, and some good surprises... Now, it's just a wait for the DVD's to come out.

This is the "Winter Carnival" weekend here at Dartmouth, which is why I'm hanging out here.

Okay, it's late, and I'm sleepy, so this is it for now. More to come tomorrow, which is today, but you know what I mean...

NP: Luge at the Olympics

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